Cat Mario 3 Online Games. You searched for cat mario 3 and we found the following from our collection of online games. Another weird mario game: Cat Mario is a insanely frustrating online flash game. Try to escape all traps. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Super Mario Bros. 3 for NES.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction.
Cat Mario

Cat Mario is just like Super Mario with little changes in it. In Cat Mario player plays the whole game as a white cat. In this game all you have to do is to survive till the end of level by not falling into pits or by not getting killed by the enemies.
The player loses his one life or one chance if he falls in the pit or touches the enemy or if any brick wall falls on Cat’s head. So player have to protect the cat from these three obstacles to survive till the end of the level.

The game should be played using arrow keys. The left arrow key, which will move cat to the left, same way right arrow key is to move cat to the right and to jump, player has to press up arrow key.
Play Cat Mario Online

Cat Mario Online
You will learn more once you start playing on your own. Enjoy the game. Ludo StarWar Wings OnlineScary Maze GamesRun 3 Game Play Free Spider Solitaire Game also try freecell and World of solitaire